Daniel's Site

Get Hired App

April 2022
Hiring app cover
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Project Overview

The Get Hired app aims to provide a low-cost, holistic, user-friendly, and multi-platform app for companies and tech talent. With its array of features including vacancies management, candidate interviews, job applications, and more, the app provides a complete hiring experience.

Click the following link to view the demo video.


  1. Create a web-based application to efficiently manage companies’ hiring processes.
  2. Work in a remote team with the SCRUM methodology.
  3. Contribute to a component library based on Material UI.
  4. Interact with a RESTful API to fetch UI data.
  5. Utilize third-party libraries like React Hook Form and React Router DOM.


  1. CRUD Assets Feature:
    • Enables users to create, read, update, and delete job vacancies.
  2. Auth0 Authentication:
    • Allows users to authenticate via the Auth0 framework.
  3. Calendar Integration:
    • Allows users to set up interviews and sync them with Google Calendar.

Technology Stack

  • React.js
  • React Hook Form
  • React Router DOM
  • Material UI
  • Styled Components
  • Auth0
  • Vercel
  • Webpack

Due to the nature of the internet business, this app is no longer available online. However, you can explore the public codebase here and view a demo here.